Powder Supplement Manufacturing

Your Trusted Partner in Powder Supplement Manufacturing

Are you ready to bring your powder supplement idea to life? Look no further. At Vox Nutrition, we specialize in turning concepts into high-quality, market-ready powder supplements. Whether you’re an ecommerce store, a brick-and-mortar business, or a well-established brand, we have the expertise, state-of-the-art equipment, and dedication to help you succeed.

Our Unmatched Expertise

With a reputation for excellence, Vox Nutrition stands as a beacon in the world of powder supplement manufacturing. No matter the category – fitness, health and wellness, beauty, or beyond – we have the capabilities to create products that exceed your expectations.

A picture of two men in lab coats mixing powder for powder manufacturing project.

Quality Beyond Compare

What sets us apart? It’s simple – our unwavering commitment to quality. We understand that your reputation hinges on the products you deliver to your customers. That’s why we’ve gone the extra mile to secure our cGMP, NSF certifications, and FDA registration. When you partner with us, you’re partnering with a manufacturer that prioritizes adherence to the highest industry standards.

Elevate Your Brand With Premium Quality Supplements

Powder Manufacturing Process

High Quality Ingredients

Creating a top-notch powder supplement is a multi-step process that demands precision, expertise, and dedication. It all begins with sourcing premium-grade ingredients from verified and certified suppliers. Our rigorous selection process ensures that the raw materials we use meet or exceed the potency standards you set.

High quality powder manufacturing ingredients
Picture of a quality check on the powder manufacturing line

Strict Testing

Next, we subject the ingredients to meticulous testing. Microbial and heavy metal analysis, along with potency testing if required, are performed by third-party laboratories. The results are compared to the Certificate of Analysis (CoA) provided by our suppliers, guaranteeing consistency and quality.


With all testing boxes checked, our skilled team assembles the raw materials for blending. Using state-of-the-art  blenders, we create a homogeneous blend that ensures uniformity throughout the product. This is a critical step in achieving the high-quality standards we’re known for.

Powder Manufacturing Tumble blender
Powder Filling manufacturing line

Powder Manufacturing

As the journey continues, the powder is transferred to our cutting-edge manufacturing lines. Here, the material is accurately measured and dosed into bottles or tubs, showcasing our commitment to precision. Each container is sealed with a lid and two tamper-proof seals, safeguarding the integrity of the product.

Learn more about our powder supplement manufacturing capabilities.

Customization to Your Needs

Flexibility is at the heart of our service. We can use any FDA-approved ingredients, and our experts can work with you to develop the flavor profile that suits your vision. From formulation to execution, your input is integral every step of the way.

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Our track record speaks for itself. We’ve collaborated with some of the largest brands in the industry, supplying supplements that grace store shelves and online platforms across the United States. These partnerships are a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Vox Nutrition new building follows sustainability practices.
I have been working with Vox for a few years, and love the communication I get from them. They are definitely a great b2b with good client side relations. The sales team is awesome, Ashley & Camila have been great to work with their professionalism definitely shows in the work they do.
Picture of a satisfied customer
Balancing Solution

Your Success, Our Priority

At Vox Nutrition, your success is our ultimate goal. We’re not just a manufacturer; we’re your partners in turning dreams into reality. Our commitment to hitting deadlines, providing unparalleled customer service, and delivering top-notch products is unparalleled.

At Vox Nutrition Quality Meets Innovation

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Are you ready to create powder supplements that stand out in the market? Contact Vox Nutrition today to explore how we can bring your vision to life. Whether you have a detailed plan or a concept in mind, our dedicated team is here to guide you through every phase of the process.

Join the ranks of industry leaders who have entrusted us with their powder supplement manufacturing needs. Fill out the form on our website or give us a call, and let’s embark on a journey toward exceptional products and unparalleled success. Your brand deserves nothing less.

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