If you’ve been thinking about getting into the private label business and expanding your product line, it’s time to consider private labeling muscle building supplements. Supplements that help athletes build muscle in a healthy and legal way are a great way to expand your company’s current product line.
Why Private Label Sports Supplements
When a person decides to build muscle and increase their physique, it’s nearly impossible to do so without supplements. Supplements such as BCAAs, Thermogenic Cuts, and Glutamine, among others, have been proven to help build muscle and make it easier to reach physical goals.
In addition, the body building supplements industry is exploding. Currently, the supplement industry has $32 billion in revenue and is expected to grow to $60 billion in 2021, according to the Nutritional Business Journal.
Top 4 Best Selling Sports Supplements
Private label body building supplements are a great way for your company to get into the business and take advantage of some of the revenue because private label manufacturers carefully monitor the nutrition industry and market leaders. Below is our list of the best private label muscle building supplements currently on the market.
1. Thermogenic Oxy-Burn![private label oxy burn thermogenic weight loss supplement]()
Fat burners can help support fat loss by enhancing metabolism, minimizing cravings, and maintaining a healthy appetite. They can also help optimize workout potential by increasing energy and focus. It’s important for athletes to maintain weight so that they achieve peak performance. Maintaining weight can be difficult but having a fat burner like private label Oxy-Burn can be give any athlete the edge they need.
Benefits of Thermogenic Oxy-Burn
- Mental Focus
- Energy booster
- Metabolism support
- Appetite control
- Increase muscle strength
Learn More About Private Label Oxy-Burn
2. BCAAs![private label bcaa powder](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%20viewBox=%220%200%20300%20300%22%3E%3C/svg%3E)
Branched Chain Amino Acids—a.k.a. BCAAs—are essential for bodybuilders and those who want to increase muscle mass. BCAAs make up 35% of a person’s muscle mass and they are necessary for molecular growth. Eight BCAAs are essential and cannot be manufactured by the body. The rest are non-essential and can be manufactured by the body with the proper nutrition.
Benefits of BCAAs
- Fast recovery
- Promotes lean muscle growth
- Enhanced performance
Learn More About Private Label BCAAs
Vox Nutrition offers these muscle building supplements, and more, available for private labeling. Give us a call and let us help you expand your supplement business.