private label maca plus vitamin supplement

Why You Should Sell Private Maca Plus

In 2022 a study done on the Maca Powder market showed a huge growth from the previous year. In the study, they discovered that the Maca-type supplements sold just over $492 million in sales. With an anticipated CAGR(compound annual growth rate) of 9.86%. Sales for this supplement are projected to reach over $1,042 Million in sales by 2028.

Our new Maca Plus vitamin supplement is formulated with Red, Black, and Yellow Maca roots. For maximum effectiveness, and a must-have for any supplement company looking to break into the massive growth of the Maca market.

Interest in Maca supplements
Interest in Maca Supplements Since 2004

Benefits Of Maca Plus

  • Powerful Natural Antioxidant
  • Increase Energy Levels
  • Help Balance Hormone Levels
  • Increase Stamina & Endurance