Due to a massive 300% growth of our sister company Ship Central over the last year, it was necessary that Ship Central expand its warehouse to accommodate their ever growing clientele. So recently they moved from their 5,000 square foot warehouse to a warehouse with over 65,000 square feet of storage space.

Benefits Of Our New Shipping Warehouse

By moving to this new warehouse our customers looking for help in drop shipping supplements get a lot of different benefits when working with ship central. Some of the main benefits are as follows:

Why Ship Central For Private Label Supplements

why use Ship central for drop shipping and fulfillment services
Drop shipping and fulfillment warehousing and storage optionsWarehouse Management software and shopping care integrations for drop shippingSame Day Order Fulfillment services

Hundreds of Vox Nutrition customers have experienced the benefits of using our sister companies services, have come to love the benefits they offer. Along with free shiping from the Vox Nutrition warehouse to the new Ship Central Facility. Here are a few of the many reasons why people use our fulfillment services.

Building your supplement business has never been easier than it is now. With everything from Supplement manufacturing to bottling, Labeling and shipping all done in with Vox Nutrition and our sister companies. You can run your business from the comfort of your home and never have to store or ship your products, saving you thousands of overhead expenses every month.

Contact us today to order your private label supplements and start using our drop shipping and fulfillment services today.

See our complete line of Private Label Supplements below.