Fiber Supplements have always been good investments for business owners looking to help their customers live a healthier lifestyle. However over the last few years the popularity of Fiber Gummy supplements have seen a significant rise in popularity and demand. With this growing trend Vox Nutrition is proud to announce that we now have our private label fiber gummy vitamins are now in stock and ready to be bottled and customized for your company to sell this winter season. 

Why Sell Fiber Gummies?

According to several different sources, including google trends, fiber gummy supplements have almost doubled in popularity and searches over the last 2 years. Making it one of the fastest-growing gummy supplements on the market today. 

Benefits of Fiber Vitamin Gummies

Packed with a variety of different health benefits. The most common reasons why customers are looking to add a fiber supplement to their diet are as follows: 

  • Help Support Weight Loss Efforts
  • Promote Healthy Gut & Digestion
  • Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
  • Improve Regular Bowel Movements
private label fiber vitamin gummies

The Demand On Different Marketplaces

It has been interesting to see the growth of these types of vitamins on the different online marketplaces(Amazon, eBay, Google Marketplace, Walmart, etc). 

Selling On Amazon

For instance, this time last year(end of October) amazon saw a huge jump in searches for fiber vitamin gummy’s that equated to almost 3X what they have seen in the past. With the average price per bottle being over $20 for top sellers, this type of product has proven to be a winner for many different companies. Trends for fiber vitamin gummies on amazon only look to be growing as we move into the colder months. 

Amazon Growth of Fiber Gummies
Amazon Search Volume

Selling On

While the sales on Walmart are not as high as what we have seen on Amazon. That is to be expected when you look at the traffic volume differences. However, with over $200,000 in sales, it is also something that should not be over looked either. Especially when you consider that fiber gummies have an extremely large amount of search volume on the platform. With a growing amount of shoppers looking for places to buy their products from. 

Average Revenue compared to amazon
Walmart Revenue Compared To Amazon
Fiber gummy sales price walmart vs amazon
Walmart Price Compared To Amazon

Selling On eBay

Much like Amazon and Walmart sellers selling Fiber Gummies have seen a steady increase in sales over the last year. Historically seeing a large increase in buyers from now until the end of March for these types of gummy supplements. 

Though the average bottle priced for sales on eBay shows that these supplements are rivaling sales on Walmart, and even outperforming yearly sales numbers.  The added option many sellers have on eBay to give not only free shipping as a standard but with additional options of allowing buyers to pay for expedited shipping have proven for many sellers to be a great way to make more profit on sales. 


ebay fiber gummies sales info
fiber gummies sales info ebay
ebay sales trend fiber gummies
eBay Sales Trend

Start Selling Private Label Fiber Gummies

Based on the historical jump in demand for Fiber Gummies on the various different markets places. There is no better time to start selling your own brand of Fiber Gummies than now. With Vox Nutrition you can choose from a variety of different ways to help your supplements stand out from your competition. Choose from our stock bottling option of clear bottles with 60 gummies per bottle. Or customize your supplement from one of our many different bottle colors, sizes, or gummy count options. For more information on getting started with this popular supplement. Contact your account rep or contact us today to place your order.